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Natural Ways to Take Better Care of Your Skin

We spend so much time dedicated to taking care of immune systems that it’s easy to let skin care fall by the wayside. That doesn’t make it OK, however – our skin is the largest barrier to infection. That means if you don’t put in the effort to keep it in top shape, your risk for illness and disease exposure goes up. Paying closer attention to skin care is key, especially with the thousands of toxins we’re exposed to on a daily basis.

If you want to take better care of your skin without using harsh chemicals, consider a natural approach with these tips:

Reduce Stress LevelsYou’ve likely heard that high stress levels have a negative impact on the condition of your skin. But why? According to dermatologist Richard Fried, M.D. Ph.D., it’s all about hormones.

“So many [skin conditions] are related to an inappropriate release of inflammatory chemicals,” he told SELF magazine. “Stress is a general trigger that can make the skin misbehave in whatever way it’s prone to misbehaving.”

While life can throw mysterious curve balls that lead to inevitable encounters with stress, do your best to find ways to reduce anxiety whenever possible. Make time for yourself, relax, find a new hobby or spend weekends surrounded by loved ones as a way to cope with and prevent feeling overly stressed. Your skin will thank you.

Set aside time to relax during the day.

Drop Unhealthy HabitsSmoking is dangerous for your general health, but it

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